Florida Caught Faking Test Results for Coronavirus, 100% of People Testing Positive
- Florida Caught Faking Test Results for Coronavirus, 100% of People Testing Positive
by Ethan Huff, https://www.naturalnews.com/
(Natural News) The alleged “spike” in Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) cases now being reported in Florida may actually be fiction, as new evidence has emerged to suggest that testing labs all throughout the Sunshine State are churning out an alarmingly high rate of false positives.
Orlando Health has confirmed, as have a number of journalists, that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) data it reported over the past weekend is erroneous at best. This is due to the fact that more than 50 labs throughout the state are, in some cases, producing 100 percent positive test results.
In other words, 100 percent of the people getting tested for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) at these 50-plus labs are being told that they have the virus, when in reality only a very small fraction, if any, actually have it. Consequently, the official infection numbers for Florida are completely skewed.
Orlando Health, for example, had reported that 98 percent of the people it tested came up positive, when in reality it was actually 9.8 percent (or 9.4 percent, according to other sources). The Orlando Veterans Medical Center had also “mistakenly” reported a 76 percent positivity rate, when the true figure was a mere six percent.
Local news affiliate FOX 35 attempted to contact the Florida Department of Health for an explanation as to these prolific “errors,” but has yet to hear back. In the meantime, Governor Ron DeSantis has responded to the false data as if it was real, declaring that it was a “mistake” to reopen Florida so soon.
“With the state’s handling of the response coming under such intense scrutiny … [these] errors point to a culture of carelessness that Floridians might find extremely discouraging, especially now that their state is home to the new national epicenter (Miami),” reports Zero Hedge.
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