Greyerz: The World Monetary System Is About To Collapse
- Greyerz: The World Monetary System Is About To Collapse
… July 5 (King World News) – Egon von Greyerz: As the world economy desperately tries to navigate to a safe harbour, is it going be pulled down by the six-headed monster Scylla or the Charybdis whirlpool (Homer’s Odyssey). It seems likely that Scylla is now starting to swallow parts the world before Charybdis will finish it off… A world severely weakened by debt and mismanagement is unlikely to have the strength of Odysseus to pass both obstacles without disastrous consequences.
HISTORICAL WEALTH DESTRUCTION ABOUT TO START- The global monetary system is about to collapse and with that the world economy
- After 50 years of mismanagement and excesses, the world is now in intensive care
- Trillions of printed dollars created illusion of all being well on the Western Front
- MMT – Modern Monetary Theory supports the ludicrous printing actions
- But MMT is Money Making Tomfoolery
- Tens of millions are furloughed or lost their jobs – no problem just print more
- Your company is going bust – print some more
- Leisure industry is collapsing – just print more
– - read more.