West Bank Annexation Debate, Round Two: Don’t Blame The Victims
- West Bank Annexation Debate, Round Two: Don’t Blame The Victims
by James J. Zogby, Special to Gulf News. https://gulfnews.com/opinion
It’s insulting to continue the canard that Palestinians miss every opportunity for peace
Any discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must begin with the recognition of the fact that the Palestinians have been the victims of a century of machinations that have brought them to where they are today. I say this because too many of Washington’s opinion shapers, both on the right and left, blame the Palestinians for their fate.
Such criticism is both indecent and ahistorical, since it is as unjustified to fault the Palestinians as it would be to fault black Americans for poverty or police brutality. It is fundamentally wrong to blame the victims of injustice or to hold them solely responsible for righting historical wrongs.
As I have often noted, the litany of betrayals by the West are many — from the Balfour Declaration, the Sykes-Picot dismemberment of the Arab East, and the imposed British Mandate over Palestine, to the Nakba, the occupation and systematic Israeli conquest and colonisation of the West Bank, and the de-development, strangulation, and political deformity of Gaza. All have either been done by Western powers or by Israel, with the acquiescence or overt support of these same Western countries.
Since the establishment of Israel in 1948, the United States has been a major player in the oppression of the Palestinian people. For decades now, American policy has coddled Israel while blaming the Palestinians for their plight. In doing so they have ignored two basic asymmetries that have defined the conflict.
First is the asymmetry of power: Israel has near complete control over every aspect of Palestinian life, while the Palestinians are largely powerless, they are denied freedom of movement, control over their properties, land, and water, the ability to freely engage in commerce, and basic human rights.
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