The Great Reset Is Here: Prepare for The NWO & Enslavement
- The Great Reset Is Here: Prepare for The NWO & Enslavement
by Mac Slavo, June 7th, 2020,
Some of us have tried everything we can to wake people up, and people are still falling for every single little move the system makes. It’s time to prepare for what’s coming. We are all owned by an elite few, and if they decide you will be allowed to live, you will do so as their slave and on their terms.
People love to hate the messenger when their own cognitive dissonance is threatened. Whether you hate someone or not, at least do yourself the honor of researching their message. Time is short, and ignorance is exactly what those who are trying to maintain power want from you: blind compliance and enslavement. Wake up.
Many admit they don’t want to live in the NWO and won’t “submit” to it, yet are doing exactly what the powers that be need them to do. This is the beginning of the economic reset that will transfer wealth to all the elitists impoverishing the rest of us. The martial law is to keep you from fighting back. “They’re coming for everybody now. People better wise up pretty quick,” says Jeff Berwick. The Greatest Depression is here, and it’s going to usher in the New World Order and allow for the global reset into a one-world currency.
read more.
