In Brave New America, Leaders Kneel And Looters Are Saluted. What Will The Democrats Conjure Up Next?
- In Brave New America, Leaders Kneel And Looters Are Saluted. What Will The Democrats Conjure Up Next?
by Robert Bridge,
Events are now in the saddle and riding Americans. In most cases, the authors of those events – from harsh anti-Covid measures, to rioting and lawlessness – derive from the liberal left. How far are they prepared to go?
It would be difficult to name a more action-packed six months than the first half of 2020. From Russiagate to riots, Americans feel like blindfolded passengers on a roller-coaster ride, totally unprepared for the corkscrew curves and dizzying dives ahead. All they can do is scream and hold on for dear life.
The worst part of this amusement-park hellscape, however, is not the news per se, but how US leaders – specifically Democrat leaders – are responding to it. Consider, for example, the lockdown measures implemented in response to Covid-19. While most people begrudgingly accepted the need for quarantine, masks and social distancing, Democratic leaders piled on additional pain that did nothing to stop the spread of the coronavirus. In fact, the measures seemed tailor-made – like a form-fitting straitjacket – to drive their imprisoned constituents crazy. How else to explain the ban on mowing lawns, swimming in the ocean, and using a motorboat on an empty lake?
No sooner did the US begin to flatten the idiocy curve than along came another scandal, this one the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white cop. With the prejudiced support of the mainstream media, in cooperation with groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter, Democrats swung into action, accusing the entire police force of institutional racism. Even ‘taking a knee’ as a symbolic gesture of solidarity with the black community was not enough for the liberals, of course.
High-ranking politicians like Senator Kamala Harris, named as a possible running mate for presidential hopeful Joe Biden, are demanding nothing less than the defunding and disbanding of police departments.
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