The Inflationary Tsunami Is Fast Approaching
- How do you herd the sheeple into the new Beast ‘666’ Digital Currency Financial System? By destroying fiat currencies via inflation. Look at the Economist picture below. The One World Currency (Phoenix) will rise out of the destruction of the old fiat currencies (via hyperinflation). Implied is that they will back their new digital currency with hard asset ie Gold. There is a Gold Coin around the Phoenix neck.
– - Is the Satanic cabal behind schedule? The Economist cover suggested 2018 on the Gold Coin as year of implementation. Another plausible explanation, by some, is that the number 33 is the occult number Freemasonary worships/respect. From the Economist cover year of 1988 to 2018 is only 30 years. Not 33 years. The insiders are really pointing to the year of 2021 (ie. 33 years from 1988) and hiding their secret schedule by mis-direction (2018). Next year is 2021.
– - maneco64
Today I look at how fiat currency debasement continues unabated and how the fiat dollar will not protect your monetary savings either. I look at the major fiat currencies and how they have performed versus money or gold over the last couple of years. I will also look at the classical definition of inflation and how that has been corrupted as a way to fool most people into believing there is no inflation.
