Alert 200% Proof The Elite Will Start Global Currency Reset & Digital Currency
- Epic Economist
Every economic collapse is seen as an opportunity by the elites. While many people are frightened and outcasted by their governments, the top 1% of the 1% is more concerned about moving forward its own agenda. They shamelessly take advantage of the desperate citizens that are seeking quick solutions to put their lives back together, using the crisis as an opening gate to push unpopular regulations that would never be accepted in ordinary times, sneaking their sordid wish list into rescue packages, while posing as philanthropic heroes concerned about the world when they’re only really concerned about themselves.
To give you a clearer picture, just remember what happened after the USA Patriot Act passed in Congress succeding the events of 9/11. Back then, implementing new security measures was definitely needed, but the Treasury had been long wishing to have more control over people’s transactions and to limit citizen’s ability to get cash. That’s when they finally had the perfect setting to do so – and we are living the results of it ever since.
The intention behind their actions isn’t new: to eliminate cash. For many years, large-denomination bills were slowly discontinued. From the late ’60s to the present moment, $500, $1000, $5000 and even $10,000 dollar bills vanished away until we were left with the largest bill of $100 dollars. Even Europe has eliminated its 500-euro bill over the course of the past few years and, as we warned before in previous videos, we’re moving towards a cashless society.
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