The Mark of The Beast — The Star Of David Deception — Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram
- What is the symbol the Synagogue of Satan will use for the Mark of the Beast ‘666’? IMO, it will be the Star of David, Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram. It is the perfect symbol for the Anti-Christ One World Religion. It is already widely accepted by many religions and Satanists. Zionists are preparing the Christian sheeple to accept this Mark of the Beast. It would not surprise me that quite a few of these Zionist leaders will be struck by God when they push this Star of David, Mark of the Beast. “Struck” as in struck dead or permanently incapacitated such that they will no longer be able to deceive the Christian sheeple.
– - The Mark of The Beast — The Star Of David Deception — Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram
This end times deception study will focus on the hexagram, which we’ve been told is the ‘Star of David‘, the universally recognized symbol of the state of Israel and the Jews. Our Creator used the six-sided design to point to His name in the Wilderness Tabernacle, and in things like the lily in all it’s spender. But Satan has perverted this symbol to use in his false religions.
The truth is that no Scripture says that King David used a star, so calling it the ‘Star of David‘ is a nice sounding name to cover what it really represents. Satan hides the true meaning of his symbols behind counterfeit explanations. To summarize, the six-pointed star is the supreme symbol of Satanic tyranny, which has been used by people throughout history to directly or indirectly worship Satan.
* The idolotrous Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians used it.
* The Israelites worshiped star gods, such as Remphan and Chiun, which could have been 5-sided or 6-sided stars.
* Solomon used the Talisman of Saturn, which has a hexagram, in worship of false gods and to invoke the powers of Satan.
* The Antichrist Beast of Revelation, the Roman Catholic Church, uses it.
* The Jesuit-controlled ultra-wealthy Rothchild family uses it to steal the worlds wealth.
* Satanists, Luciferians, astrologers and witches use it to invoke the power of demons.
* The six-sided star numerically equals 666 (6 points, 6 triangles, 6-sided hexagon).
* It’s on Israel’s flag because the Antichrist Jesuits control the state of Israel.
- The six-sided star was used by Babylonian astrologers for Sun worship.
Babylonian astrologers divided the starry heavens into 36 constellations (ten days each). These were represented by different amulets called “Sigilla Solis,” or the Sun Seal. These amulets were worn by the pagan priests and they contained all the numbers from 1 to 36. By these figures they claimed to be able to foretell future events.
Adding the numbers of any column either horizontally or vertically, and also the two diagonals crossing the square, the total is the same — 111. The sum of the six columns, either horizontally or vertically, is 666. So 666 is a number associated with pagan sun-worship, which originated in the mysteries of ancient pagan Babylon.
Sun worship, which is really Satan worship, has existed for thousands of years and is still worshiped to this very day by Mystery Babylon, the Roman Catholic Church and the global elite in the world.
The Israelites worshiped the star of foreign gods and were punished for it.
Israel adopted the six-pointed star in the wilderness due to their apostasy. The mark of Cain was worshiped by the Israelites in the wilderness as the star of Remphan, which represents the god Saturn, also called Chiun.
“But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.“ Amos 5:26
Just before being stoned to death by the Jews, Stephen accused the Jewish leaders, “And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you made” “in order to worship them.” Acts 7:43
Saturn worship is Satan worship.
Satan got Solomon to worship him through false gods.
After his marriage to Pharaoh’s daughter in 922 B.C., Solomon gave himself up to witchcraft and idolatry, and built altars to Moloch, Ashtoreth and Remphan, the ancient Egyptian ‘Star‘ god.
This is very significant, because Solomon was a man of wisdom, who was allowed to build the temple of God; yet late in his life Satan caused him to worship and build altars to false gods, and use the hexagram to invoke the powers of Satan.
- King Solomon reintroduced the 6-Pointed Star to the Kingdom of Israel, so the Talisman of Saturn became known as the Seal of Solomon.
The Six-Pointed Star is engraved on the Talisman of Saturn which is used in ritual magic. A bull’s head is enclosed in a six-pointed star, and surrounded by letters composing the name Rempha, the planetary genius of Saturn, according to the alphabet of the Magi. The bull represents Moloch worship and ultimately, Satan worship.
Satanists, Occultist and Freemasons venerate King Solomon, who owned a magic ring that was engraved with the Seal of Solomon, which gave him power over the invisible monarchy of demons. (The History And Practice Of Magic, Vol. 2)
The six-pointed star represents Satan, not the Star of David.
The Hexagram equates to 666, which Jesus said is the sign of the beast. It has six points, forms six equilateral triangles, and its interior forms a six-sided hexagon — thus it reveals the number of Satan’s antichrist beast. The 6 points, 6 triangles, and the 6 sides of the hexagon = 666!
The Bible attributes the number 666 to Solomon.
“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX. ”(Rev. 13:18)
“Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX talents of gold...” (1 Kings 10:14)
So it was Solomon (not David) who used the Hexagram.
This worship of Satanic false gods angered God so much, that after Solomon died, God split the kingdom of Israel in two.
To understand the mark of the beast, you need to know who the beast is first.
If you’ve read our Bible studies, you know that the Roman Catholic Church is the ‘Antichrist beast of Revelation‘, the ‘Little Horn of Daniel‘, and the Pope is the ‘Son of Perdition‘.
To read a Bible study on the beasts of Daniel and Revelation that reveals the antichrist beast system, click on The Beasts of Daniel and Revelation
To read a Bible study of how the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church is already seated in the temple and proclaiming to be God, click on Antichrist In The Temple Deception
Is the hexagram the symbol that Satan will use as the Mark of the Beast?
As you will see, it makes sense, because it’s a symbol that’s already accepted by almost every religion.
In the New World Order they will promote a one-world religion in the name of ‘peace’, so they will use a symbol that will unite the major religions, and the so-called Star of David is the perfect mark.
When Christians speculate about the Mark of the Beast, they point to UPC codes, implanted RF ID chips, RF ID tattoos, and other technology. While there’s no doubt that those type of devices will be used to control whether people can buy or sell in the one-world government and financial system…
- The hexagram represents Satan worship.
Satan ever seeks to establish his worship among the Earth. He even tempted Jesus to bow down and worship him. How much more will he lead people in the end times, either through deceit or enticement, to do the same? Most people aren’t going to worship Satan directly, so he uses other ‘gods’ and ‘idols’, to accept worship indirectly. Throughout the Middle Ages the Seal of Solomon has been used by Arab Magicians, Cabalist Magicians, Druid witches and Satanists.
- It’s the most powerful symbol used to invoke witchcraft, demons and Satan.
It’s used in magic, witchcraft, sorcery, occultism, alchemy and the casting of zodiacal horoscopes by astrologers. In fact, the word ‘hex‘, as in to put a hex on someone, derives from the word hexagram. According to former Satanist Bill Schnoebelen, who is now a Christian, “a hexagram must be present to call forth a demon” and “it is a very powerful tool to invoke Satan.”
It is no mystery that in all the occults, the hex plays a central role in Satan worship and upon and within these covens, human sacrifices are offered to Satan. The hexagram, like the pentagram, is used in practices of the occult and ceremonial magic and is attributed to the 7 “old” planets outlined in astrology.
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