Politicians ‘Don’t Have The Guts to Admit COVID-19 Was Exaggerated’
- Sky News Australia
Sky News host Andrew Bolt says Australian politicians simply “don’t have the courage” to admit the “coronavirus crisis was exaggerated” in the country. Mr Bolt said Prime Minister Scott Morrison continues to keep “refusing to give up on any of these stay home rules” as the government continues to enforce the measures in a bid to stem the spread of the disease. On Tuesday, it was revealed elective surgeries, including IVF, will gradually be phased back in as the government moves to lift some coronavirus restrictions. Mr Morrison had told reporters while he is pleased with the decreasing rate of infection within Australia, it’s important the government does not lift restrictions too soon or risk an outbreak of community coronavirus infections. “I’m in despair… this coronavirus overreaction has come at such a shocking price,” Mr Bolt said. Mr Bolt dismissed earlier predictions that 150,000 Australians would die due to the virus under worst case scenarios where no mitigation strategies were implemented. He said coronavirus modelling had “panicked the politicians and excited the media” over potential COVID-19 predictions. “Our leaders are now scared of relaxing bans that are hurting us more than help”.