What War Between The United States And Iran Could Look Like
- Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit, will be used to attack Iran. Thus, igniting Albert Pike’s Satanic WW3. The Synagogue of Satan is running out of time. However, this Greater Middle East war may last only 3-5 weeks. This is because nuclear bombs ie. limited nuclear war will be launched. Once the nuclear bombs go off (my estimation is 5-10 tactical nuclear bombs) the war is essentially over. I am not entirely sure they are able to carry this plan out. Neither side will win.
– - What War Between The United States And Iran Could Look Like
by https://southfront.org/
The US-Iranian standoff in the Persian Gulf has once again entered an acute phase. On April 22, US President Donald Trump announced that he had ordered the US Navy to “shoot down and destroy” Iranian gunboats that follow or harass US ships. In response, Commander-in-chief of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Major General Hossein Salami declared on April 23 that Iran will provide a swift, “decisive” and “effective” response to US forces if they threaten Iranian “vessels or warships”.
One of the reasons behind the escalation is the consistent and strengthening anti-Iranian rhetoric of the White House as a part of Trump’s presidential campaign. Another driving force of the US actions is likely the sharpening global economic crisis and the turmoil on the energy market that has led to the dramatic collapse of oil prices. Indeed, a new conflict in the Persian Gulf could theoretically return the oil prices to $50-60 per barrel.
In the current situation, Iran is not interested in an escalation of the conflict with the United States. The escalation could, however, be instigated by the US military:- A warship or a group of warships could enter Iranian territorial waters;
- A US military aircraft could violate Iranian airspace;
- US forces could block for Iran the civilian maritime traffic through the Strait of Hormuz, or detain an Iranian oil tanker;
- Warships of the US Navy could imitate an attack on an Iranian submarine;
Iranian forces would have to respond to such a provocation. Thus, a military confrontation could start. After initiating a localized military incident, the White House would accuse Iran of aggressive actions against US forces and the US navy could carry out a demonstrative missile strike on a target or several targets inside Iran. Such an attack would prompt an Iranian response that would involve both its regular and irregular warfare capabilities.
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9 … and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
