China Will Be Testing Out A New Digital Currency And They’ll be Using American Companies Starbucks, McDonald’s And Subway to Help Them Do It
- China Will Be Testing Out A New Digital Currency And They’ll be Using American Companies Starbucks, McDonald’s And Subway to Help Them Do It
by Geoffrey Grider,
Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway chains in China were named on the People’s Bank of China’s list of firms that will test the national digital currency in the near future. A digital currency is a generic term that may or may not be a cryptocurrency. Cryptos are decentralized by design, and also used for their privacy — something that is anathema to the Chinese government. This particular currency, once referred to as a digital yuan, will also be given a test at Chinese hotels, convenience stores, a bakery, a bookstore and a gym in the Xiong’an New Area, a city being built south of Beijing.
China, the country that banned initial coin offerings and made it tough for Bitcoin to operate has been tossing around the idea to build its own digital currency, and U.S. fast food giants Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway are willing to help roll it out, the South China Morning Post reported today.
Last week we told you how Microsoft Technologies, Inc., had filed patent #060606 on a human implantable cryptocurrency system using body activity data, something amazingly similar to the Mark of the Beast sans the Beast. The dust on that story has barely had time to settle when today’s story hit our end times radar about how China is rolling out a new digital currency, and will be using Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway to test it. Seems to me it is just as much a test for the American companies to see how they like it as it will be for the Chinese Communist government.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16,17 (KJB)
Don’t think of the whole COVID-19 hysteria as a pandemic, or crisis, or anything else, think of it as what it actually is – a global reset. During this time, the world we left barely a month ago is gone, and it’s not ever coming back. In its place will be a virtual everything, including digital currency that will replace nasty old paper and coins that trap and catch deadly germs. To paraphrase Ross Perot, that giant ‘sucking sound‘ you hear is the entire world being pulled into events that will start with the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, and end with King Jesus and us returning on white horses to pick up the Jewish remnant at Selah Petra at the Battle of Armageddon. What’s in between those bookends of prophecy, the time of Jacob’s trouble, is where this old unsaved world is now headed. Sooner rather than later.
China’s Digital Currency To Be Given A Test Drive By U.S. Companies Like Starbucks
FROM FORBES: Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway chains in China were named on the People’s Bank of China’s list of firms that will test the national digital currency in the near future.
A digital currency is a generic term that may or may not be a cryptocurrency. Cryptos are decentralized by design, and also used for their privacy — something that is anathema to the Chinese government. This particular currency, once referred to as a digital yuan, will also be given a test at Chinese hotels, convenience stores, a bakery, a bookstore and a gym in the Xiong’an New Area, a city being built south of Beijing. No date for the release has been set.
China has been talking about this for at least a year now and it is unclear how those three U.S. brands were chosen, but it was a local decision to include those local franchises. This is not for McDonald’s nationwide in the mainland. The PBoC said last August that their digital yuan was ready to be ruled out. China consumers are accustomed to using digital payments. Tech giant Alibaba BABA’s AliPay (owned by Alibaba’s Ant Financial) is more ubiquitous in China than Visa and Mastercard. QR code transactions are common place in China.
On April 20, the WSJ reported that the digital currency rollout would happen outside of the Xiong’an New Area, and also be test driven in Shenzhen and Chengdu.
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