Nolan Watson: Central Bankers Rapidly Devaluing Currencies Will Accelerate Gold’s Bull Market
- WallStForMainSt
Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, Co-Founder, President and CEO of Sandstorm Gold (NYSE: SAND), Nolan Watson. Nolan’s bio is here:…
Nolan has his finger on the pulse of mine finance for the gold, silver and copper mining industry. Many deals come across his desk and because of the very strict due diligence process of Sandstorm Gold, nearly all of them get turned down. Nolan Watson also recently did 2 interviews for Kitco about the gold mining industry during the coronavirus:
1) His written one last week: Who’s operating? Who’s closed? It’s all random…
2) New audio interview from earlier this week: ‘We are in totally unprecedented territory’ – Nolan Watson…
During this 30+ minute interview, Jason asks Nolan for his thoughts on what has transpired in the last 4-5 weeks with the Federal Reserve and other central banks trying to counteract what’s happening in the real economy? Nolan talks about how prior to the coronavirus the global debt problem was already too large and how governments and central banks are trying to solve a debt problem with even more debt. Nolan sees enormous currency devaluation as the only “solution” central banks will ultimately decide on. This should accelerate the next phase of gold’s bull market with gold going over $2,000 per ounce in the near future. Jason also asks Nolan about the current state of the gold and copper mining industries given the damage the coronavirus has done to the global economy. Nolan says how the coronavirus has just created unprecedented demand destruction.