United Nations Wants All Nations to Begin Paying a 10% Global Tax for ‘COVID-19 Response And Recovery Fund’ Amounting to $8.7 Trillion
- United Nations Wants All Nations to Begin Paying a 10% Global Tax for ‘COVID-19 Response And Recovery Fund’ Amounting to $8.7 Trillion
by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/
If countries were to accept the plan, the United Nations or some similar coordinating agency would be given the equivalent of approximately 8.7 trillion USD, an unprecedented amount that would be 2,900 times greater than the UN’s annual budget of 3 billion USD. The proposed plan would effectively place a global agency, presumably the UN itself, in charge of propping up the economies of the world during the coronavirus crisis, placing it in charge of 10% of global income.
The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres is asking for a 10% global tax to fund a ‘dedicated COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund’.
The bible talks about taxes, and when it does it is nearly always connected to end times events. Daniel 11 tells us that Antichrist will be a ‘raiser of taxes’, and it tells us that at the First Coming of Jesus Christ, there was a global tax in place. So it makes sense that one of the signs connected to His Second Coming, at the end of the time of Jacob’s trouble, will be a global tax as well. The United Nations announced yesterday that in order to ‘deal effectively’ with the global coronavirus pandemic, a global tax of %10, a tithe, needs to be levied. Well, hello Caesar, welcome back!
“And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.” Luke 2:1-3 (KJB)
The idea of a global tax is not new to NTEB readers, click the image below to read our previous article on an idea floated for a global tax back in November of 2019. Of course, a lion’s share of the money, should it be raised, will go to funding ‘sexual reproductive health services’, a Liberal dog whistle for abortion on demand. But can you just imagine what the United Nations would do with $8.7 trillion dollars, or even with one trillion dollars? I can.
“Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.” Daniel 11:20,21 (KJV)
Population control advocate Bill Gates and his eponymous foundation are listed on the UN Sustainable Development ‘partnership platform‘ meaning he gives them untold millions of dollars to ‘carry out the work’. What is some of the ‘work’ Bill Gates is passionate about? Event 201, ID2020, the Certified Mark, and vaccinations that come with a digital ID. Yep, that’s what the United Nations will do with monies raised from a global tax, vaccinate and chip the whole world.
United Nations wants 10% of entire planet’s annual income in fund for coronavirus response
FROM LIFE SITE NEWS: The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has announced the creation of a fund for addressing the global coronavirus pandemic – and he is simultaneously asking nations to contribute the equivalent of at least 10 percent of the annual income of the entire planet to a massive “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package” that would be administered at the international level. Although Guterres doesn’t state it explicitly, he seems to be connecting the new fund, which he calls a “dedicated COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund,” with the massive stimulus package plan, announcing both measures in the same press release.
If countries were to accept the plan, the United Nations or some similar coordinating agency would be given the equivalent of approximately 8.7 trillion USD, an unprecedented amount that would be 2,900 times greater than the UN’s annual budget of 3 billion USD.
The proposed plan would effectively place a global agency, presumably the UN itself, in charge of propping up the economies of the world during the coronavirus crisis, placing it in charge of 10% of global income.
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