American Military Investigators Overseas Knew about Virus in Wuhan, China in November 2019
- American Military Investigators Overseas Knew about Virus in Wuhan, China in November 2019
by BATTLE FOR WORLD | April 9, 2020:
President Trump said that no one had never heard of the virus two months ago, but ABC news is reporting that as far back as late November (2019) American military medical investigators overseas sounded the alarm to officials right here at home about a contagion that was sweeping through Wuhan (, China). Those concerns that the virus could be devastating were detailed in a report and multiple sources have described that report to the ABC reporter’s team.
(BattleForWorld: This admission from a United States news bureau is significant, because in China in the month of October 2019, from the dates of the 18th to the 27th, the Military World Games were held in Wuhan, and 300 U.S. military men participated. A short transcript from the “Moderate Rebels” discussion with Pepe Escobar, video, here: “– Pepe: The Chinese leadership does not see this as a conspiracy theory at all. They were following the timeline…, Fort Detrick, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation… – Ben: Most journalists are imperial boot lickers. – Pepe: …The Wuhan military games which now in China everybody now have an opinion… This is the working hypothesis that the Chinese leadership is considering…, when we get to Wuhan in late October…it was found that five members of the three hundred strong [US] military delegation, they had something that looked like a severe [case] of pneumonia and they were treated at an hospital in Wuhan. They were staying in the Wuhan Oriental Hotel, which is 300 meters away from the site of the games. They were very close to the famous seafood market. The Chinese are examining a very serious possibility that within this very circumscribed area, something might have happened. And these five Americans of the military were treated at the hospital. People who treated them at the hospital were contaminated. Very important information [to note]. And some people at the hotel…were also contaminated. This is information that is largely available in China, but not in the United States and not in the western media. So, when they start putting all this together, they tend to reach a conclusion that something happened, we don’t know exactly where, but there are too many coincidences.
– Pepe: What happened in Lombardy [, Italy], and this is a guy that started to appear a lot on Italian TV. I saw some of his interviews…and this was mistranslated in American media. He says that he started to talk with general practitioners in the Lombardy region around Milano and they were saying that, starting in October 2019 and then in November and December as well, they started to see cases of really, really strong pneumonia that they haven’t seen before. Which leads us to and led him to believe that perhaps the virus was already around Lombardy in October, simultaneously to Wuhan. And that makes sense, because the strains, this has been already proven, that the strains in Lombardy and Wuhan are different. And they are also noticing that five strains are different corona-virus. And C is in Wuhan initially, and this means that A and B were from somewhere else. This somewhere else is very vague. …Very, very serious studies are saying, in fact one of them was published in The Lancet, saying that the virus might not have originated in Wuhan. … – Ben: And the video that the Chinese foreign minister was pointing to was a video on congressional hearing in the US, in which a top CDC official said, acknowledged that it might have been possible that for weeks before the coronavirus outbreak was known in the US, that it was actually circulating largely in Washington, and potentially Ohio state, because in Ohio, there were estimated 100,000 cases that basically came out of nowhere. And the CDC official acknowledge that it may have been that physicians had actually thought that it was a case of the flu, because they did not know about the novel coronavirus. So that the Chinese foreign ministry had taken that CDC admission as a possible acceptance of the fact that… (video section, here)… – Max: …And this is what we are hearing from the Chinese foreign ministry as well, and I looked into it: A strange outbreak of the flu around Maryland, specifically Frederick [article, here], around the time the CDC had shut down this exercise at the supposed research bioweapons facility at Fort Detrick. [Article, here.] …I looked at some of these timelines and found…local news reporting around that time, which was October…where basically you have these local anchors coming out in Baltimore explaining to people how important it is to protect themselves against the flu, because Maryland has become an epicenter, on what they were calling an influenza epidemic, but it was an extreme influenza epidemic, and they were like here’s how you can protect yourself, wash your hands, etc. and a map appeared on the screen showing Maryland and Louisiana, no other states are experiencing it. …”)
(In the Silent Revolution Of Truth, Compilation Edition, Volume 2, the free PDF book: Download and read, five members of the U.S. military team in China had something that looked like a severe case of pneumonia, page 572. Dr. Anthony Fauci warned the Trump administration in 2017 about a matter of fact event, a virus, to breakout. That Trump will be faced with this challenge, page 574. Note: Use the page number display located at the top of the page to find the correct page. Free Book, PDF Format –Links: Book Summary | and Download Volume 2 Book)