Bill Gates, ID2020 And the Planned-Demic To Bring In The New World Order
- Bill Gates, ID2020 and the Planned-Demic To Bring In The New World Order
by Jeff Berwick,
It’s finally arrived in Mexico.
Although it took quite a while longer for the impact to be felt here, the coronavirus scam-plague has finally forced the Mexican tourist industry to almost completely shut down.
We just arrived back to Mexico City after our hotel was forced to close in Puerto Vallarta and on the long car ride back, we were stopped by a bunch of cops with rifles accompanied by guys in masks with thermometers checking passerby’s temperatures. Fortunately for me, I didn’t have a temperature, otherwise who knows what would have happened. I likely would have been dragged off to the “quarantine” camps or something…
Across the pond in the UK though, things are looking quite a bit more dystopian with the government talking about releasing “immunity passports” to give people who have already contracted COVID-19 the ability to return to “normal life,” according to British “Health” Secretary Matt Hancock.
Talk about Orwellian, this sounds like a flashback to Nazi Germany… Papers please, citizen.
And just when you think that you’ve heard the most 1984ish thing of the day, Kentucky, USSA comes out of nowhere to one-up all the heinous news lately by ordering multiple residents who supposedly were in contact with COVID-19 carriers to wear ankle bracelets while they’re forced into house arrest for refusing to isolate after being “exposed”.
To add to the craziness, the US State Department has stopped issuing passports as a result of the pandemic and are only making exceptions for people who have a “qualified” life-or-death emergency. All for what, a supposedly dangerous virus that isn’t even filling up hospitals yet is causing the whole world to shut down? Even the elite’s doctor Ferguson has revised his fatality forecast of 500,000 down to 20,000 for the UK.
Also, apparently there must be a lot of people who haven’t seen posts with the #filmmyhospital hashtag on twitter because there you can see a number of people exposing the difference between the rhetoric in the mainstream media and hospital vacancy in reality.
Unfortunately, many fail to notice the evidence right under their noses. Just take what Henry Kissinger recently told the Wall Street Journal, for instance, warning that coronavirus could cause “global economic doom” which may last for generations if “appropriate measures” aren’t taken. He goes on to remark,
“When the Covid-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed. Whether this judgement is objectively fair is irrelevant. The reality is the world will never be the same after the coronavirus … the US needs to work quickly to find a cure, pitch in to rebuild the global economy and protect the ‘liberal world order’.”
As I have said since the beginning of this planned-demic, the economic ramifications of this psyop and globalist attack on humanity are going to be tremendous. With the fragility of markets nowadays, we’re now, more than ever, on the precipice of a serious financial calamity… I warned you since 2010 that this would come by the end of the decade and the end of the 2010 decade is December 31, 2020 – right on course.
During this virus, we’ve already seen one of the worst point crashes on the Dow Jones since Black Monday in 1987 and we’re only just getting started with this global lockdown that the elites are trying to market as the “new normal”.
In fact, Bill Gates and his cohorts have grandiose plans for the population like their ID 2020 initiative which I talk about more in my walk and talk with Lucy here: (video top of post)
read more.