Giant Red Flashing Warning Signs Are Screaming Something Huge Is About To Go Down – What Does The United States Government Know That We Don’t Know?
- CoVid-19 is a bioweapon launched by the western Illuminati to destroy the current world order and drive the world towards their Luciferian New World Order, World Government led by the Anti-Christ, Global Supra-National Central Bank, Global ID2020, One World Digital Currency –> ‘666’.
– - The view that it is China vs USA, is incorrect. The REAL War is between Satan and his minions vs the Rest of Humanity.
– - Giant Red Flashing Warning Signs Are Screaming Something Huge Is About To Go Down – What Does The United States Government Know That We Don’t Know?
by Stefan Stanford,
As ‘Coronavirus TEOTWAWKI’ arrives in America with more than 75% of the country now under lock down, this must-read new story by Mike Adams over at Natural News argues that three recent moves made by the United States government at the very highest levels suggest that war might be coming to America, with ‘Sign #3’ being US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently ordering US residents living overseas to return to the country ‘immediately’. As Adams argues, the ‘cover story’ behind that being this pandemic might lead to the end of air travel across the globe with international flights and the airline industry already in full-scale collapse.
Adding in the 2nd sign, the Pentagon recently ordering high-level staffers into their underground bunkers as we had reported in this March 28th ANP story and the 1st sign, President Trump recently calling up 1 million US military reservists, Adams also warned within his story that the ideal time for any enemies to attack America would be during a full-scale economic tumble and while we were suffering already due to a pandemic.
Also arguing that China would be the most likely country to launch such an attack upon us, especially with Russia now sending in a plane full of medical supplies to the US, are we now witnessing the prelude to World War 3? Going back to ancient times, biological weapons have been used to weaken an enemy before an invasion and those weapons took three major forms: Deliberate contamination of food and water with poisonous or contagious material; use of microbes, biological toxins, animals, or plants (living or dead) in a weapon system; and use of biologically inoculated fabrics and persons.
So while at this time we’re unable to confirm that America is under a bioweapon attack launched by China (or the globalists out for revenge), as Zero Hedge reports in this new story, Italian state media exposed Chinese biological experiments to infect humans with coronavirus all the way back in 2015, so why should we believe a word coming out of China or from the US mainstream media here for that matter with them continuing to echo the Chinese communist party line? So as Adams also pointed out in his story, it’s now time to double down on our preparations if we can should ‘normal’ never return to America and what we’re seeing now across the country be a sign of things to come and ‘the new normal’. From this Natural News story.:
While this covid-19 pandemic helps to accomplish all of the globalists agendas as we had reported in this March 1st ANP story within which we asked “Will 2020 be the year that everything changes?” and happening directly following the Democrats failed attempt to impeach President Trump, as we had asked within that March 1st story, might this outbreak be part of the globalists ‘plan C’ which helps them regain control of America and implement their satanic agenda for America and the world?
read more.