The Coronavirus Pandemic is An Engineered ‘Black Swan Event’ Released to Tear Down The Existing Global System And Create New World Order
- The Coronavirus Pandemic is An Engineered ‘Black Swan Event’ Released to Tear Down The Existing Global System And Create New World Order
by Geoffrey Grider,
Isn’t anyone even the slightest bit suspicious about how fast this $2 trillion dollar bailout came into being? It’s almost like they already had the paperwork drawn up! By the time it’s done, it will be the largest, single government bailout in human history, all this for a virus that runs it’s course in a couple of months? The Spanish Flu of 1918 killed over 50,000,000 people in a single year, the coronavirus even with worse-case predictions will not amount to a fraction of that. And yet, the entire world is on lockdown, why now?
We are watching the coronavirus pandemic being used to collapse the existing global system to make way for the coming New World Order, and nothing will ever again be the same.
As you read this, over one-third of the world is on lockdown, with more countries issuing the order by the day. The morgues in New York City are filled to capacity, with no place to store the dead bodies. Officials were told that morgues in the city are expected to reach capacity next week, per the briefing. A third person familiar with the situation in New York said some of the city’s hospital morgues hit capacity in the past seven days. Hawaii and North Carolina have asked for mortuary help as well, and the disaster response agency is currently reviewing the requests.
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” Matthew 24: 7,8 (KJB)
The world is changing right now, it is changing economically, financially and socially, to such a degree that one can only surmise watching this that a New World Order is preparing to rise up from the ashes of the coronavirus crisis. Never in modern history has there been such a volatile reaction to an infectious outbreak. AIDS, SARS, Ebola, West Nile Virus, and Swine Flu didn’t come anywhere near the level of panic we are seeing now. What we are watching is an event that is absolutely unique in our modern era, and could quite possibly be unique in human history. Not the virus, the reaction to the virus.
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