Italian Crematoriums Running Out of Space as MILITARY Patrols Enforce Quarantine in World’s DEADLIEST Coronavirus Hotspot (VIDEOS)
- Italian Crematoriums Running Out of Space as MILITARY Patrols Enforce Quarantine in World’s DEADLIEST Coronavirus Hotspot (VIDEOS)
With Italy taking China’s place as the top Covid-19 epicenter, the country is struggling to keep up with the number of new deaths, as morgues quickly fill to capacity and the army has been called in to enforce a national lockdown.
Italy marked the deadliest day yet for any country in the fast-moving coronavirus pandemic on Friday, reporting 627 fatalities in a single day. The lethal outbreak isn’t just pushing Italy’s hospitals to their breaking point, but mortuaries and crematoria have also been overwhelmed by the sheer number of patients killed by the disease, forcing some to consider halting the intake of new bodies to make room.
“Obviously, this situation creates an abnormal amount, bringing us to an emergency phase, making us very likely to halt for a few days in order to be able to recover some space.”
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