CDC Confirms First US Coronavirus Case Of ‘Unknown Origin’ As South Korea Infections Soar
- CDC Confirms First US Coronavirus Case Of ‘Unknown Origin’ As South Korea Infections Soar
by Tyler Durden,
Summary:- South Korea reports 334 new cases, bringing the total number in the country to 1,595
- South Korea, US postpone joint drills due to coronavirus
- The US State Department has issued a level 3 travel advisory urging people to reconsider going to South Korea
- China reports 26 new deaths and 409 additional cases in Hubei province
- CDC confirms first case of ‘unknown origin’ in US
- CDC reports 6 new cases among repatriated Americans
- WaPo reports Northern California has 16th US case, says it’s first of “unknown origin” and risks local spread
- 83 being monitored in Nassau County
- Orange County declares state of emergency
- Norway has confirmed its first case
- 8 quarantined in Westchester
- HHS confirms 15th US case
- Iran deaths hit 19
- Brazil confirms first case in South America
- France confirms 2nd death
- Tokyo pushes back against Tokyo Games cancellation talk
- Greece confirms first case
- Germany unleashes fiscal stimulus after confirming new cases
- Dems one-up Trump with $8.5 billion package.
- Kuwait, Iraq, Lebanon, Bahrain confirm new cases
- Finland confirms 2nd case
- 1st 2 cases reported in Pakistan
- HHS Secretary tells Congress infectious disease fund has no extra uncommitted cash
- Congress begins talks on corona virus spending bill with vote expected early next month
- Germany health minister warns we’re at beginning of epidemic in Germany; 5 new cases
- Italy confirms 12th death, cases soar above 400
- North Macedonia confirms first case
- South Korea cases soar above 1,200 as gov’t begins testing of 200k patients
- Brazil confirms infected patient came on plane from Paris
- Ericsson confirms one of its employees in Croatia tested positive
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Update (2025ET): Cases in South Korea have exploded higher, with an official report of 334 new cases, bringing the total to 1,595.
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