Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
George Gammon HSBC banking crisis 👉INTEL YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! 👈 And guess who is bailing out HSBC or Deutsche Bank if they go bust? YOU will be bailing them out, along with your children and grandchildren! But it’s not just HSBC, it’s all the big banks outside the US, and the US banks probably …
If you are the Iranians, knowing what the Zionist state’s “Vietnam” strategy is, what will you do? Fact: Syria is being attacked by Israel and the attacks will escalate. This is implied in the Zionist’s strategy. The logical move for Iran, in the Art of War, is to respond in exact kind ie. make Syria …
Iran: Arab Countries Opened Door for ‘Deal of the Century’ by Arab countries’ normalisation with Israel has paved the way to the United States (US) to take unilateral decisions against the Palestinians and announcing its peace plane, Iranian foreign minister announced yesterday. – “In recent years, some Arab countries supported American projects against the …
Normal influenza kills a few hundred thousand people in China every year. Over a period of about 6 months, ie flu season, you can expect 100K dead which is roughly about 16K/mth. We know that the mortality rate of flu is in the region of 0.1 – 0.4%. CoVid19 mortality rate is about 2% ie …
Why don’t Zionists tell you about the real roots of the Star of David, Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram? If they do, their whole Zionist doctrine, Satanic LIE about the modern state of Israel will collapse! It is most suitable as the symbol of the Satanic One World Religion. If a nation flies a Satanic ‘666’ Hexagram …
Macron calls for “European strategy” at Munich Security Conference by MUNICH, Germany, Feb. 15 (Xinhua) — French President Emmanuel Macron on Saturday called for a European strategy and more actions at the European level in the face of challenges at the ongoing 56th Munich Security Conference (MSC). – It was Macron’s first time attending …
ARIRANG NEWS 19 Feb 2020 중국 당국 “코로나19 에어로졸 통한 전파 가능성” 첫 인정 Making a big U-turn on its previous announcement that there was no evidence to suggest aerosol transmission was possible, Chinese health authorities admitted for the first time on Wednesday that COVID-19 can spread through the air. Kim Hyo-sun reports. Chinese health …
Middle East Eye In 2012, the UN made a prediction that by 2020, Gaza would be unlivable. We explore the reality on the ground as we approach the new year. end
The Washington Post (CIA) is Very Worried About The Big Russia Lie Being Exposed…. by sundance, The media PR firm for the FBI and DOJ objectives is the New York Times. The media PR firm for the State Department is CNN. The media PR firm for the CIA is The Washington Post. This pattern has …
Brutal Deep State War Inside US Government. Trump Frustrated About Unprosecuted Deep State Crimes – Kevin Shipp by Greg Hunter’s President Trump’s frustration over lack of criminal Deep State prosecutions by his DOJ bubbled out to his more than 70 million Twitter followers this week. From Comey, McCabe, the phony dossier of the Russia Hoax …
CNBC Television Stephen Roach, former Morgan Stanley Asia chairman on just how disruptive the coronavirus could be to China and the global economy. end
FSN GoldandSilver Michael Pento joined us on a day when gold broke $1600 and silver broke $18. What could be the cause of such a move? Perhaps it was Nanny Michael Bloomberg’s pledge to tax Wall Street to the hilt. Or perhaps another Black Swan is getting ready to come public. One thing is for …
RonPaulLibertyReport Listening to the howls from Democrats and the applause from Republicans, one would think President Trump’s proposed fiscal year 2021 budget is a radical assault on the welfare state. The truth is the budget contains some minor spending cuts, most of which are not even real cuts. Instead they are reductions in the “projected …
RoadtoRoota After 150 of price suppression we are about the witness one of the Greatest Moonshots in the history of investing! Never bought physical silver? Email Andy Schectman and say that I sent you. He’ll get you the best deal in the town! end
The CIA, British Intelligence MI5/6, Israeli Mossad …. are western Illuminist Intelligence agencies. Their objectives are: Luciferian New World Order, World Government led by the Anti-Christ, Global Supra-National Central Bank –> ‘666’. – RT America NSA whistleblower William Binney talks to Rick Sanchez about how a code-encryption company secretly owned by the CIA was used …
The US and France go head-to-head over the future of ‘the West’: Mike Pompeo insists America is NOT withdrawing from Europe – sparking an angry rebuttal from Emmanuel Macron by JAMES MILLS FOR MAILONLINE, * The French President warned that the West is ‘weakening’ as US backs off * He accused US of a …