US Health Experts Hosted Coronavirus Pandemic ‘Tabletop Exercise’ Simulation to See How Authorities Would React — 3 Months BEFORE the Outbreak in China — 65 Million Dead in a Year
- I don’t believe in coincidences of this magnitude. Smells like a bio-weapon has been released.
– - US Health Experts Hosted Coronavirus Pandemic ‘Tabletop Exercise’ Simulation to See How Authorities Would React — 3 Months BEFORE the Outbreak in China — 65 Million Dead in a Year
* Scientists at Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted event in October
* Exercise was not intended as a prediction; it aimed to show how governments and industry would respond to severe pandemic
* Real-world coronavirus – nCoV-2019 – has infected over 1,400 people worldwide and killed 42; epicentre, the Chinese city of Wuhan, remains on lockdown
* Center for Health Security’s inputs for modelling potential impact of fictional virus were not similar to nCoV-2019
US health experts hosted a tabletop exercise which simulated a fictional coronavirus pandemic to see how authorities could coordinate a response to such an event – three months before the deadly outbreak in China. Scientists at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security modelled a hypothetical pandemic on a computer as part of research last October. The exercise was not intended as a prediction – but rather served to highlight how governments and industry would respond in the case of a very severe pandemic.
Meanwhile, the Chinese city of Wuhan remains on lockdown as authorities scramble to stop the spread of the real-world coronavirus – nCoV-2019 – which has infected more than 1,400 people worldwide and killed 42.
The Center for Health Security and its partners – the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – have made it clear that the inputs for modelling the potential impact of the fictional virus were not similar to nCoV-2019.
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