The #1 Performing Asset Around the World Is… – Mike Maloney & Ronnie Stoeferle
- GoldSilver (w/ Mike Maloney)
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Unbeknown to most mainstream investors, gold has been the best performing asset of this century. It’s really true, as the first table shows in Mike and Ronnie’s new video. Other than a few cryptos, gold has been the top investment since 2000. That’s’ especially true for gold priced in other currencies. Check out all the green in the first table. Gold has risen more in other currencies than in the US dollar. While gold is universally priced in dollars, 95.7% of the world’s citizens transact in currencies other than the US dollar. As a result, Ronnie did something we haven’t seen anyone else do: he and his team calculated a “world” gold price. In other words, a trade-weighted average of the gold price in all currencies combined. Download Mike’s best-selling book for free here: