Douma(Syria) Looks Increasingly Like a Staged Chemical Attack by the West
- Douma(Syria) Looks Increasingly Like a Staged Chemical Attack by the West
by Martin Jay, November 29, 2019,
A recent leaked email from an OPCW officer is even more damning evidence that its initial report from its own inspectors was doctored to point the finger at Assad. But who cares?
Was it Edmund Burke who said “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”? Sadly, this adage doesn’t apply to western leaders or the journalists in big titles which can’t admit to a ‘mea culpa’ on Douma chemical attacks.
What is harder to swallow? The fact that the chemical weapons arbiter, the OPCW, has habitually lied by doctoring its report on the 2018 Douma chemical weapons attack in Syria, or the fact that western media won’t report on it? Or worse, that it continues to stick to its policy of smearing those who point the finger at the organization and its tainted findings, while remaining loyal to its own echo chamber which promotes the false narrative that Assad was behind it – when the facts fail to support it?
In May of this year a group made up of UK academics faced a baptism of fire aimed at discrediting it as being Assad apologists, when it pointed out clear doctoring of the final drafted report on the Douma attack, which blamed the Syria leader – and corresponded with the policies of western governments like the US and UK to swiftly execute a bombing campaign in Syria.
And yet just recently, in mid-November, a bombshell landed on the desks of most journalists covering Syria, which more or less backed up the academics’ charge, that there was little if any evidence to support the narrative of Assad being behind the chemical attacks. But this time it was from an OPCW official who was part of the team which initially headed out to the site in April 2018.
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