Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Press TV Israeli forces have demolished four more Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank. The regime’s troops along with bulldozers reportedly stormed Beit Kahil, a town near the city of al-Khalil or Hebron before their demolition drive. They also fired tear gas at the Palestinians protesting against the demolition. Tel Aviv accuses the homeowners …
‘Israel Has Lost Even Pretense of Respect for International Law’ – Expelled HRW official to RT by A top Human Rights Watch official recently deported from Israel spoke to RT about his expulsion, warning that the world will hear about more rights abuses in the occupied Palestinian lands if it doesn’t act. – Omar …
BRICS Nations Discuss Shared Crypto To Break Away From USD And SWIFT by Julia Magas via, via Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, or the BRICS economic bloc, are engaging in discussions to issue cross-national digital money in order to reduce the dependence of their economies on the United States, as reported by Cointelegraph …
Real Vision Finance Simon White, co-founder of Variant Perception, explains his view that as interest rates approach the zero bound, conventional monetary policy tools do not achieve their intended goals, but instead create deflationary pressures. He argues that in a negative-rate world, the private sector increases savings rates to combat their lack of income – …
Press TV Dozens of Palestinians wounded by Israeli forces during anti-settlement rallies. end
RoadtoRoota Many JP Morgan precious metals traders are being charged with market manipulation in the gold and silver markets. They are all senior traders that reported directly into Blythe Masters and Jamie Dimon. Those two have NOT been charged and the bank itself has not been charged. “THEY” are NEVER charged. end
RT The Trump impeachment investigation is entering a new phase and a step closer to a vote on whether to impeach the president. The U.S. House Judiciary Committee will hold its first hearing next Wednesday – and it’s invited Donald Trump along. end
RT UK court dismissed concerns that the LGBT equality lessons were inappropriate for young children at a primary school in the city of Birmingham, despite numerous parents’ protests against the class. end
The Road to Default, Fiat Monetary Collapse & Great Reset by JOHN MAULDIN, Debt Monster Recipe for Conflict Currency Wars? Timing Is Everything Philadelphia and Dallas – Nothing is forever, not even debt. Every borrower eventually either repays what they owe, or defaults. Lenders may or may not have remedies. But one way or …
RT #IDF soldiers were filmed on November 3 detaining a 13-year-old boy in #Hebron and walking him through the streets blindfolded while throwing stun grenades into houses. The boy’s father attempted to reason with the soldiers who refused to give him back his son. They later released the boy at a military post in Kiryat …
Corbett Report Extras SHOW NOTES AND MP3: So we all know about the missing trillions by now, but where is that money going? And what can Americans do to reclaim that money that is rightfully theirs? Join Catherine Austin Fitts of and James Corbett of The Corbett Report for this wide-ranging discussion on …
Press For Truth There’s an information war going on when it comes to our health and FaceBook is declaring itself to be the doctor, judge and jury without questions. Moving forward. “This week, Facebook announced it would block all content on Facebook that questions the official dogma on vaccines, which falsely insists that vaccines have never …
Israeli Warplanes Strike Targets in Gaza Following Rocket Launches by Israeli aircraft conducted airstrikes on targets west of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip and in Khanyounis, in the north of the territory, early Wednesday morning. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted Wednesday morning that the airstrikes were in response to …
ITM Trading Slides and Links:… Question 1. James C: What is the difference between the spot price of Gold and the Gold to dollar ratio of $8,673 per ounce on the US debt clock? Question 2. Josh R: If a deflationary event occurs and gold drops to say $600/oz, will bullion coins be available …
Press TV The Arab League has denounced the US legitimization of Israeli settlements on the occupied Palestinian land. Gheit was speaking in an emergency meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers in Cairo. That’s a week after Washington said it no longer considers Israeli settlements a violation of international law. Gheit called the decision unfairly …
RT America The Trump administration announced in October that US troops would withdraw from northern Syria. But military leaders kept about 600 troops in Syria, allegedly to keep oil fields from falling into ISIS’ hands. The Pentagon Inspector General warns that Islamic State is expected to revamp its operations in Syria. Former Pentagon official Michael …
RT Thousands of Palestinian protesters took part in a “day of rage” across the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, with some groups clashing with Israeli forces to protest the US announcement that it no longer believes Israeli settlements violate international law. Around 2,000 people gathered in the West Bank city of Ramallah, where they set …
RT In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss Moody’s issuing a world debt downgrade warning (WDDW) on rising political unrest. Despite this rising turmoil, the Fed keeps printing new millionaires as QE continues to rescue the ‘haves’ at the expense of the ‘have nots.’ In the second half, Max talks to …
Poland Brings Home 100 Tons of Gold from Bank of England by Poland, which has been rapidly boosting its bullion reserves over the past two years, has repatriated around 100 tons of gold from the Bank of England’s vaults in London. Around half of Warsaw’s holdings in the UK were transferred back to the …
Reluctant Preppers With civil unrest going global, one seasoned analyst suggests that banks, central banks, and governments may be near the end of their rope, and poised to pivot to a survival strategy. John Rubino, founder of and co-author with James Turk of “The Money Bubble – What to Do Before it Pops,” returns …
TruNews Today on TruNews we discuss how the troubling rumblings of an alleged Iranian plot to destroy Israel may actually be a part of a political survival plan by President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who may start a war to remain in office. We also address the likelihood of a President Bloomberg and …
This is the correct way of expressing your dis-satisfaction and not via violent attacks, racist attacks… destruction of public private properties… end
RonPaulLibertyReport A startling development in the alleged gas attack in Douma, Syria in April, 2018: Whistleblowing inspectors from the OPCW – the UN Agency that investigated the attack – have come forward to claim that the original report has been doctored and distorted to falsely blame the Syrian government. Will the mainstream media touch this …
Cambridge House International Inc. Join David Smith and David Morgan at the upcoming Vancouver Resource Investment Conference, January 19th & 20th at the Vancouver Convention Centre West. end