Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Bloomberg Markets and Finance Oct.11 — The Federal Reserve said on Friday it will begin buying $60 billion of Treasury bills per month in mid-October as it seeks to rebuild its balance sheet and avoid a repeat of the turmoil that racked the money markets in September. Bloomberg’s Mike McKee reports on “Bloomberg Markets: European …
If You’re Even Mildly Tempted to Vote Democratic in 2020, This 3-Minutes Clip of The Recent CNN LGBTQ+ Town Hall Will Instantly Change Your Mind by Geoffrey Grider, CNN tonight hosted nine back-to-back town halls with 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, this one was exclusively for the LGBTQ+P for Pedophile community – We can tell …
Thank you Dr Hajo Meyer for speaking out against the genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people! – Holocaust Survivor Hajo Meyer Condemns Modern ‘Zionism’ By Jordan Friedman Hajo Meyer — an author, political activist and Auschwitz concentration camp survivor — compared Israel’s relations with the Palestinians to Nazi relations with Jews during the …
The CIA Versus Donald J. Trump by Jacob G. Hornberger, It’s both pathetic and laughable that Democrats, the mainstream press, and Trump critics are referring to the CIA agent who turned in Trump for his telephone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky as a “whistleblower.” – It’s pathetic because it denigrates real whistleblowers like …
Former NASA Scientist: Alien Life Was Discovered in the 1970s During Mission to Mars that Turned Up Unexplained Evidence of Microorganisms by JAMES PERO FOR DAILYMAIL.COM,, 11 Oct 2019 * A former NASA scientist says we have already discovered alien life * In an op-ed , Gilbert Levin says Viking missions to Mars uncovered …
THE FINAL POPE’S One-World ‘Abrahamic Family House’ To Combine Church, Mosque And Synagogue (Preparation For Whore Of Babylon?) by SkyWatch Editor, Plans were revealed for the construction of an interfaith complex that will house a church, synagogue, and mosque in the United Arab Emirates as part of an effort to promote religious harmony and …
WallStForMainSt The US central bank announced it would start purchasing $60BN in US Treasuries per month starting October 15. This will be in addition to rolling over “all principal payments from the Federal Reserve’s holdings of Treasury securities and the continued reinvestment all principal payments from the Federal Reserve’s holdings of agency debt and agency …
RT America Jesse Ventura and producer Brigida Santos talk about the 18-year anniversary of U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan, and whether the country’s opium production plays a role in fueling the opioid crisis at home. Author Ben Westhoff discusses his book, “Fentanyl Inc: How Rogue Chemists are Creating the Deadliest Wave of the Opioid Epidemic.” …
RT Scars, your voice & even tattoos are just some of the new ways that the US govt will be able to identify people. It’s building a new system called the Homeland Advanced Recognition Technology System, or HART for short. The HART network will share information with external partners among them, Amazon. Biometric data from …
Central Bank Issues Stunning Warning: “If The Entire System Collapses, Gold Will Be Needed To Start Over” by Tyler Durden, It’s not just “tinfoil blogs” who (for the past 11 years) have been warning that a monetary reset is inevitable and the only viable fallback option once trust and faith in fiat is lost, …
Monetary Failure is Becoming Inevitable by Alasdair Macleod, This article posits that there is an unpleasant conjunction of events beginning to undermine government finances in advanced nations. They combine the arrival of a long-term trend of rising welfare commitments with an increasing certainty of a global-scale credit crisis, in turn the outcome of a …
maneco64 “QE4 “Not A QE” Begins: Fed Starts Buying $60BN In Bills Per Month Beginning Next Week”:… – Treasury Yield Curve Un-Inverts: “Seals Fate Of Imminent Recession”:… The Fed and the BIS Throw Deutsche Bank a Lifeline.: “Tory Brexit Poll Lead Could Melt Away”:… end
Intel Expert Tony Shaffer: Government Officials Trained in “Information Dark Arts” Are Using These Techniques Against President Trump by Jim Hoft, Retired Lieutenant Colonel Anthony “Tony” Shaffer joined One America News Network to discuss the current and ongoing attacks against President Donald Trump from inside the US government. – The latest attack by the …