Trump Clearly Wants Rapprochement With Iran. Israel Can’t Let That Happen
- Zionist war propaganda! War mongers!
- Trump Clearly Wants Rapprochement With Iran. Israel Can’t Let That Happen
by Yossi Mansharof and Jason M. Brodsky ,
Despite Iran’s role in the Saudi attack, there’s still speculation that presidents Trump and Rohani may meet. Even a tentative rapprochement would severely strain Israel’s close ties with the White House
As the opening of the United Nations General Assembly approaches this week, there’s speculation about a grand summit featuring the presidents of Iran and the United States.
The logic is there’s an alignment in the policy clocks in Washington and Tehran: President Donald Trump wants a diplomatic achievement ahead of a reelection in 2020, and the Iranian leadership is anxious to resuscitate its cratering economy.
But deadlock won’t transform into détente so easily. Four inconvenient realities will loom large in the negotiating room, namely presidential disproportion; nuclear distrust; increased regional discord; and stakeholder dissent.
And Israel, prime target of both Iran’s nuclear program and its precision-missile equipped proxy, Hezbollah, may have to risk its close relations with the Trump White House to obstruct any rapprochement. First, it would be a dramatic tête-à-tête between Donald Trump and Hassan Rohani, featuring two fundamentally different actors.
Trump came to power as the ultimate political outsider, from the world of real estate and reality television. But Rohani ascended to the presidency as the ultimate political insider, a member of parliament turned secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council and chief nuclear negotiator.
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9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.