Israel FM: We Can Target Iran Inside Its Territory

9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
- Israel FM: We Can Target Iran Inside Its Territory
Israel’s Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz has said that Israel is able to strike Iran everywhere, including deep inside its own territory. In an interview with Israeli newspaper Maariv, Katz said that Israel would strike Iran whenever necessary, regardless of the location of the strike, Shehab news agency reported yesterday.
“The situation is a war among wars and we are the only country which works against Iran,” Katz said, adding: “We publicly took responsibility for the strike in Syria to demonstrate to Iran that it has no immunity anywhere.” He stressed that “the [Syria] action was intended to cut the head off the snake.”
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Meanwhile, Israel’s Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin told Channel 13 news: “We [Israel] are taking responsibility for the attack in Syria and are saying that Iran should feel it is not safe anywhere.” He added: “Iran is working day and night all over the Middle East in order to build an empire that has set for itself the goal of destroying Israel.”
On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel is working in Iraq and Syria in order to undermine Iranian plans, claiming that Iran is building bases in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon in order to target Israel.
Regarding the work of Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad, Elkin said: “We will not accept… I will not accept that Iran feels safe anywhere. Iran is a state in the region which adopts a plan to destroy Israel.”
