Falling Like Dominoes? 3rd (And Largest Yet!) Chinese Bank Bailed Out In Only 3 Months!
- WallStForMainSt Streamed live on Aug 9, 2019
Overnight, Heng Feng Bank was bailed out (in a more unusual way than Baoshang Bank and Bank of Jinzhou) were bringing the total number of Chinese bank bailouts to 3 in just the last 3 months!
Bailout #3: Chinese Bank With $200 Billion In Assets Is Nationalized
New Tho Bishop Mises Institute article on China’s teetering banking system: China’s Biggest Problem Isn’t Trump, It’s a Broken Banking System:
Evidence that China has Much Worse Stagflation Now:
1) China’s food prices jump 9.1% in July as the country battles African swine fever
2) China producer prices fall for first time in three years, deflation worries resurface https://uk.mobile.reuters.com/article…
China is Desperately Trying to Stabilize the Yuan Exchange Rate:
China state banks seen supporting yuan in forwards market: sources
2015 Zero Hedge article that in addition to WPMs and NLPs in China’s banking and shadow banking systems, China also have over leveraged commodities loans: