Long-Term Yields, QE to Hyperinflation, Pensions… Q&A with Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin
- ITM Trading Streamed live 4 hours ago
Links to slides and sources: https://www.itmtrading.com/blog/long-…
Question 1. Zoltan V: What would happen if the longer-term yields would collapse?
Question 2. Bobbi B: Can you please clarify the mechanism by which QE results in hyperinflation? How does the money get into the hands of the people?
Question 3. Phillip K: When the real estate market begins to collapse (even with Fed tactics to suppress), do you think government and state pensions will begin to show insolvency?
Question 4. Leo G: if we go to negative interest rates how does this affect the rates on loans/credit cards and other things?
Question 5. Wayne: Which comes first? A stock market crash or the dollar crash, or both at the same time?