Mike Pompeo is Misrepresenting the Bible to Gin Up War with Iran
- Never trust what a Zionist Christian tells you about the modern state of Israel. Always triple check what they say. Zionist ‘666’ Israel is a Satanic counterfeit. It is NOT the Israel of the Bible. It is a Satanic Heresy, LIE! Modern Ashkenazi Khazar Jews (90+% of modern Jewry) are NOT semitic people ie. NOT Jews! All semitic people including Jews are from the tribe of Shem. Ashkenaz is not from the tribe of Shem. Here is the biblical proof:
Genesis 10:1-3 (New King James Version)
Nations Descended from Noah
1 Now this is the genealogy of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And sons were born to them after the flood. 2 The sons of Japheth were Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. 3 The sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, Riphath,[a] and Togarmah.
– - Mike Pompeo is Misrepresenting the Bible to Gin Up War with Iran
by Bonnie Kristian, https://theweek.com/
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo preached this week at the annual conference of Christians United for Israel (CUFI). The bulk of his speech was standard Christian Zionist fare — admiration for the modern state of Israel, praise for the United States for its support of Jewish nationalism, and brash claims of divine approval — all couched in the familiar language of evangelicalism.
But Pompeo also had another subject in mind: Iran. Slipping smoothly from a broader discussion of religious liberty, Pompeo described Iran as a “noxious” theocracy, an abuser of human rights, and a terrorist enemy of Israel, the United States, and indeed Christianity itself. Though stopping short of his past advocacy of forcible regime change in Tehran, Pompeo presented his audience with Iran as an adversary that must be stopped. Bellicosity is only biblical, he seemed to suggest, stringing together half-truths about religious persecution and a wildly unjustified interpretation of scripture to push the faithful toward war.
Pompeo’s critique of Iran was not so much false as deceptively incomplete. He is not wrong, for example, about the persecution Christians face in Iran and the greater Middle East. Ancient Christian communities who could trace their roots to the apostles themselves have been subject to ghastly violence, displacement, and destruction of historic sites of worship. The Iranian government does have a horrific record on human rights, including oppression of religious minorities. And Christian converts from Islam in Iran have been sentenced to death.
But Pompeo doesn’t tell the whole story. He mentions the “near-extinction” of Christian communities in neighboring Iraq but ignores the fact thatousted Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein “tolerated the country’s Christian minority;” that the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq led directly to the decimation of the Iraqi church; and that the pope begged the Bush administration not to invade precisely because war in Iraq would be disastrous for marginalized religious groups. This is the sort of recent history we would be wise to consider while contemplating yet another war.
Pompeo also left unmentioned the Trump administration’s travel ban, which in its final and ongoing iteration includes a blanket exclusion of visitors from Iran. There is no exception for persecuted Christians.
“Pompeo’s posturing about helping the victims of religious persecution would be a bit more credible if he were not part of an administration that imposed a travel ban that bars Iranians of all religious backgrounds from coming to the U.S., and it would be a little less ridiculous if his department hadn’t stranded dozens of Iranian religious minorities in limbo for years,” notes Daniel Larison at The American Conservative. Pompeo may talk a good talk, but this administration’s “record of providing real support and assistance to victims of religious persecution is quite poor.” It is hardly cynical to suggest protecting persecuted Christians may not be Pompeo’s primary objective here.
Missing too is any reckoning with the equally appalling persecution of religious minorities, Christians included, by U.S. partners like Saudi Arabia. Conversion from Islam to Christianity is a capitol offense in Saudi Arabia, too, and church buildings are illegal. None of this excuses Iran’s behavior in the least — but neither has it kept Pompeo from arguing in The Wall Street Journal that the “U.S.-Saudi partnership is vital.” Pompeo’s realpolitik defense of friendship with Saudi Arabia is supplanted by a sudden moral idealism where Iran is concerned. With Riyadh, he’s all pragmatism. With Tehran, religious abuses become a case for confrontation.
The linchpin of Pompeo’s CUFI treatment of Iran was the scriptural book of Esther, which in his telling is evidence that Iran has for centuries been a hotbed of anti-Semitism. “That same twisted, intolerant doctrine that fuels persecution inside Iran has also led the ayatollah and his cronies to cry out, quote, ‘death to Israel’ for four decades now,” Pompeo said. “This is similar to a cry that came out of Iran — then called Persia — many, many years ago. The Book of Esther teaches us about this.”
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