Israel is Actively Tugging at the Thread of a US-Iran War
- Israel is Actively Tugging at the Thread of a US-Iran War
In line with its seamless regional meddling since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Israel is now trying to provoke an all-out conflict in the region, of which it would be the sole beneficiary.
Since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, Israel has slowly executed its plan of dividing the countries of the Middle East into a war among themselves. That is most apparent in the separation of Kurdish-dominated regions from the rest of Iraq and Israel’s presence on the ground in the war-torn country, in addition, of course, to demands for quasi-autonomous provinces across the rest of the country. The same goes for Syria, of which the fragmentation has now become an inevitability.
What remains a thorn in Israel’s side, however, is Iran (and especially its nuclear program) and its increasing regional influence, a fact which has made Israel claim it is ready to launch an attack on Tehran and its nuclear facilities. As luck would have it, now is a golden opportunity for Israel to put a stop to the perceived Iranian threat with the blessing of the Trump administration.
Never since its establishment has Israel secured so much unilateral support from a US president. Indeed, the blatant gestures are out in broad daylight for all to see, not least of which include the US embassy move to Jerusalem and the declaration of the Syrian Golan Heights an Israeli territory, defying every last tenet of international law worth its weight.
Indeed, with so many consolidated gains and unilateral US blessings, what with the current president being Donald Trump, the national security advisor being John Bolton and the Middle East advisor to Trump being his very own son-in-law, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s long-time family friend, Jared Kushner, such a golden opportunity may never present itself to the Jewish state again.
It goes without saying, then, that Israel can’t possibly pass up the chance to get Iran sucked into a regional war as long as Trump remains in the White House – and it certainly won’t let Tehran get out of the latest escalation, at least not without a price.
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9 … and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.
