Your Complete Guide To The NYTimes’ Support Of US-Backed Coups In Latin America
- Your Complete Guide To The NYTimes’ Support Of US-Backed Coups In Latin America
by Adam H. Johnson,
On Friday, The New York Times continued its long, predictable tradition of backing U.S. coups in Latin America by publishing an editorial praising Donald Trump’s attempt to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. This will be the 10th such coup the paper has backed since the creation of the CIA over 70 years ago.
A survey of The New York Times archives shows the Times editorial board has supported 10 out of 12 American-backed coups in Latin America, with two editorials—those involving the 1983 Grenada invasion and the 2009 Honduras coup—ranging from ambiguous to reluctant opposition. The survey can be viewed here.
Covert involvement of the United States, by the CIA or other intelligence services, isn’t mentioned in any of the Times’ editorials on any of the coups. Absent an open, undeniable U.S. military invasion (as in the Dominican Republic, Panama and Grenada), things seem to happen in Latin American countries entirely on their own, with outside forces rarely, if ever, mentioned in the Times. Obviously, there are limits to what is “provable” in the immediate aftermath of such events (covert intervention is, by definition, covert), but the idea that the U.S. or other imperial actors could have stirred the pot, funded a junta or run weapons in any of the conflicts under the table is never entertained.
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- whoobie2008 Published on Jul 26, 2013
Published on May 4, 2013 On Morning Joe, an honest and courageous Carl Bernstein says that because he’s Jewish, he could be permitted to reveal on national television that “Jewish” neo-cons were responsible for persuading President George W. Bush into starting an “insane” war against Iraq.
– - “The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservatives, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history.”
– Ari Shavit Ha’aretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003
“A new generation has its hands on the tiller of power…Jewish neocons have emerged as the Pentagon’s Paladins…Most striking is how unmentionable this is in the liberal press…These well-placed hawks are Jewish-Americans and it is their hardcore Zionism that is shaping American foreign policy. Zionism is fast becoming a poisoned chalice…There is real madness here, but who will stop it?”
– Ann Pettifer Common Sense December 18, 2002