John Bolton Openly Admits He Wants Maduro Out, American Oil Companies In
- John Bolton Openly Admits He Wants Maduro Out, American Oil Companies In
by Tyler Durden,
Embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro might be forgiven for thinking there’s a foreign-backed conspiracy against him in repeatedly accusing the US of engineering a “coup” and waging “economic war” against his regime, especially given that US advisers are now quite openly admitting this is precisely the case. In fact just after Maduro’s contested reelection and swearing in to a second six-year term, his foreign minister Jorge Arreaza told Democracy Now that “Nothing that the opposition does is without the permission or authorization of the State Department… They say, ‘We have to make consultations with the embassy. We have to make consultations with the Dept of State.'”
While that broad brush assertion could remain over-simplistic, White House officials aren’t making it any easier for the opposition in terms of Maduro painting it as tainted by a foreign hand. As a prime example, Trump’s national security advisor John Bolton recently admitted to Fox Business that the US has a “lot at stake” amidst the ongoing Venezuela crisis given the fact that it has the world’s largest proven oil reserves. Bolton told host Trish Regan:
It will make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela.
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