Dr. Mark Skidmore: Deep State Cover-Up of Missing $21 Trillion Deeply Disturbing — MSM Covers Up $21 Trillion Historic Government Fraud
- Dr. Mark Skidmore: Deep State Cover-Up of Missing $21 Trillion Deeply Disturbing — MSM Covers Up $21 Trillion Historic Government Fraud
by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release)
Michigan State Economics Professor Mark Skidmore has revealed there was $21 trillion in what he calls “missing money” from the Department of Defense (DOD) and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). He and a team of academics used publicly available government accounting reports and revealed their results in late 2017. Now, the mainstream media (MSM) has picked up the story. Instead of sounding the alarm to the public, it says it’s basically all a big mistake and is discounting the biggest accounting fraud in the U.S. government history. Is the MSM trying to cover up and kill this story? Dr. Skidmore says, “They are trying to kill this story, but I don’t think they have killed this story. . . . Basically, what they said was this was just all ‘plugs’ and there is a mix-up in the transactions. It’s really not that big of a deal. They did say it was $21 trillion in transactions that cannot be verified, but discounted it fully.”
Now, the government will not give any information on this “missing” $21 trillion. Skidmore goes on to say, “When you start looking at the mess that could possibly generate $21 trillion that are unverified, ‘missing money,’ it’s so big, so huge, it is inconceivable that it could just be a comedy of errors. . . . I think there is a high percentage of fraud. I believe there is a tremendous amount of fraud embedded in there. . . . When we get to these numbers, the odds there is not fraud in $21 trillion is mind boggling. . . . There is zero chance there is no fraud.
So, this is a huge accounting fraud? Dr. Skidmore says, “Yeah, in my mind, I cannot come to any other conclusion. I just don’t see how you can come up with those huge numbers based on public budgeting without something terribly gone wrong. It’s not just ‘plugs.’ You want to go back in and look at those transactions, and we are not given access to do that.”
Not only is Skidmore being refused access, but the entire federal budget has been turned into a national security issue. There is literally no more public access to what the government spends your tax money on. Skidmore says, “Now, as of October 4th, we have effectively two sets of books. We have a set of books that can be manipulated and changed by a group of people that determine it’s a national security issue. They can alter the numbers and move things around within . . . or shift funding all the way to hide it. What we are going to do is produce a financial statement that is fake, and we will have no idea how much money was moved around, and we are all going to pretend we are going to have a real report. We will also have an actual report that will remain hidden. . . . It seems self-explanatory that if the government can’t track $21 trillion, there is something deeply wrong.”