France on COLLISION COURSE with EU: Macron Shameless Pay-Off to Rioters BREAKS EU Rules
- France on COLLISION COURSE with EU: Macron Shameless Pay-Off to Rioters BREAKS EU Rules
EMMANUEL Macron was today shamelessly BUYING his way out of trouble caving in to rioters after weeks of blood and chaos on the streets of France, with a host of policy U-turns and a multi-billion euro package of ‘presidency-saving’ measures.
But the massive hand out goes DIRECTLY against EU rules and his own insistence on national spending and fiscal prudence – and is set to see France joining Italy in defiance of it’s own EU spending laws. Macron had even dished out numerous lectures to Italy warning them to come to heel over EU spending rules or face the consequences. Now the hapless president looks set to join Italy deliberately falling foul of EU rules. The French President has been aggressively spearheading an EU-wide drive to slash the bloc’s eye-watering 145billion euro debt. But last night he offered his troubled nation astonishing concessions that will see him not only add to Brussels’ fiscal budget but also dangerously inflate Paris’ own budget to over 100 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).
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