What’s Going On With Jupiter? – Comet 46P/Wirtanen is Fast Approaching Earth
- nemesis maturity Published on Nov 25, 2018
Jupiter will pass very close to the Sun in the sky as its orbit carries it around the far side of the solar system from the Earth. At closest approach, Jupiter will appear at a separation of only 0°39′ from the Sun, making it totally unobservable for several weeks while it is lost in the Sun’s glare. Human eyes can’t see it, but coronagraphs onboard the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) can. Jupiter will be a bright object in daily SOHO LASCO C2 & C3 coronagraph images, moving from left to right from approximately 26 of Nov. up to 6 of Dec. 2018. SOHO is able to track Jupiter as it passes by the Sun transitioning from an evening ‘star’ to a morning ‘star.’ More info here: https://in-the-sky.org/news.php?id=20…