Defense Chief: Israel Must Deal Hamas a Blow – Even if It Means War in Gaza

- Mentally ill, Zionist war propaganda. To stop violence which they caused, they are recommending more violence, war to kill more people, they imprisoned in Gaza, the largest open air concentration camp/prison in the world.
– - Defense Chief: Israel Must Deal Hamas a Blow – Even if It Means War in Gaza
by Almog Ben Zikri,, 16 Oct 2018
Israel needs to decide if it is headed toward war in Gaza, Avigdor Lieberman says, and a military blow ‘is the only way to lower the level of violence to zero or close to zero’
Defense Minister Avidgor Lieberman said on Tuesday that Israel must decide if it is headed toward another war with Hamas in Gaza. According to Lieberman, the security cabinet should order a military blow against the Islamist group “even at a price of moving to a wide-scale confrontation.” Israel does not intend to continue responding to violent incidents along the border as it has in the past, the defense minister declared. “My opinion is very clear. We must land a strong blow against Hamas. That’s the only way to lower the level of violence to zero or close to zero.”
The security cabinet is expected to meet on Wednesday for a second time this week on the situation in Gaza. In a visit to the Israeli army’s division near the Gaza border, Lieberman said the violence on the border last Friday led him to understand that the situation there has changed, and that Israel must change its approach toward the incidents along the border fence.
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