CNN’s Don Lemon Tells Conservative Guest To “Shut Up” While Defending Democrat Mobs
- CNN’s Don Lemon Tells Conservative Guest To “Shut Up” While Defending Democrat Mobs
by Tyler Durden,
CNN host Don Lemon lost his temper with network contributor Matt Lewis on Tuesday, telling the conservative to “shut up” during a discussion of what constitutes a “mob” in relation to a viral video of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his wife being chased out of a restaurant, as well as recent comments made by President Trump.
Lewis, a columnist for the Daily Beast, suggested that liberals are unwilling to admit when they’re engaging in mob behavior, and that the Tea Party “didn’t hound people out of restaurants.”
I’m waiting for liberals and intellectually honest liberals to admit that when you harass Ted Cruz at a restaurant, that is also mob-like behavior. Why is it that I’m willing to concede that Donald Trump is a bad person and that’s mob behavior, but I never hear liberals come on and concede that. -Matt Lewis
Lemon quipped back: “The Tea Party did hound people. The Tea Party people hounded me when I went out to cover them! And do you know what I said?” Lemon asked rhetorically. “It was their right to do it because they’re Americans!”
“Don, if they started following you around a restaurant and running you out of places…” Lewis shot back – which Lemon interrupted with “But that doesn’t mean that people don’t get to object,” adding “That’s your right as an American to object. It’s covered in the First Amendment. It’s like the first one!”
The argument devolved, with Lemon finally telling Lewis to “shut up” and let him explain how protesting is a Constitutionally protected right.
“In the Constitution, you can protest whenever and wherever you want. It doesn’t tell you that you can’t do it in a restaurant, that you can’t do it on a football field. It doesn’t tell you that you can’t do it on a cable news you can do it wherever you want,” said Lemon. “To call people mobs because they are exercising their constitutional right is just beyond the pale,” Lemon concluded before going to break.
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