US Intel Officials Publicly Contradict Netanyahu’s UN Speech On “New” Iran Atomic Facility
- US Intel Officials Publicly Contradict Netanyahu’s UN Speech On “New” Iran Atomic Facility
by Tyler Durden,
Netanyahu’s Thursday UN General Assembly speech predictably included the familiar props and visuals condemning Iran over what the Israeli prime minister says is a continuing nuclear program it is hiding from the world’s view.
Like pretty much all prior Netanyahu speeches focusing on Iran, he held up a physical “evidence” to illustrate his points as he spoke — this time it was a “proof” that Iran has yet another secret warehouse holding nuclear-related material in the form of an aerial photograph of the Iranian capital marked with a red arrow pointing to a large building.
Though this was perhaps a step up from the cartoon bomb performance at the UNGA in 2012, the act is now a fixture and entirely predictable after many others spanning years, barely eliciting much media excitement compared to six years ago.
But unlike the last number of similar speeches, US intelligence officials have told Reuters that the claims are not true.
Jerusalem Post: “Netanyahu has made a name for himself as the “prop master,” using visual aids to underline his message.”
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