Massive Outburst by Rare X Ray Nova Reveals a New Black Hole in Our Galaxy
- nemesis maturity Published on Sep 27, 2018
Swift satellite detected a rising tide of high-energy X-rays from a source toward the center of our Milky Way galaxy. The outburst, produced by a rare X-ray nova, announced the presence of a previously unknown stellar-mass black hole. Named Swift J1745-26 after the coordinates of its sky position, the nova is located a few degrees from the center of our galaxy toward the constellation Sagittarius. While astronomers do not know its precise distance, they think the object resides about 20,000 to 30,000 light-years away in the galaxy’s inner region. The pattern of X-rays from the nova signals that the central object is a black hole. An X-ray nova is a short-lived X-ray source that appears suddenly, reaches its emission peak in a few days and then fades out over a period of months. The outburst arises when a torrent of stored gas suddenly rushes toward one of the most compact objects known, either a neutron star or a black hole. Universe Today RARE X-RAY NOVA REVEALS A NEW BLACK HOLE IN THE MILKY WAY