Your Gold in Vaults? Confiscations, Mattress Money, 2021 and more… Q&A with Lynette and Eric
- ITM Trading Streamed live 5 hours ago
Question 1. Mike M: I have approx. 1/3 of my gold stored in a vault in Singapore. What would happen to that if there is an overt confiscation?
Question 2. Rene W: To get protection against bail-in would it be wise to remove let say $10,000.00 or more from your bank account and stuff it under the mattress?
Question 3. Awake1percent: What happens to social security and other entitlements AFTER the reset? Will people start getting their government checks in whatever the new currency is? Do you think these programs could just cease?
Question 4. Annette S: When being used for barter, can you get the same amount of goods for a one-ounce silver round that you could get with a one ounce silver eagle? If so, why would someone pay the extra premium for the eagle?
Question 5. Craig J: why is it that when countries by tons of gold and big gold guys that buy gold by the tonnage for their clients, why doesn’t the price rise dramatically?
Question 6. Robert J: Lastest Video: does this mean your advice going from variable rate to fixed rate and then having nine months to pay off your mortgage is no longer applicable because they can change it anyway?
Question 7. H Zilla: I am still confused by the 100% consent requirement for certain changes to be implemented in 2021. Wouldn’t this be a good thing for mortgage, school and car loan holders in keeping the new rates from being raised for the benefit of the IMF?