The Clock Is Ticking For The Dollar Devaluation And Subsequent Gold Revaluation Many Times Higher
- The Clock Is Ticking For The Dollar Devaluation And Subsequent Gold Revaluation Many Times Higher
Lynette Zang explains how there’s already been one currency devaluation with a gold revaluation two days later, and soon it will be America’s turn. Here’s why… Lynette Zang interviewed on Reluctant Preppers:
Are the markets set to resume their record bull climb, restoring your nest egg, or is banking risk placing your earning, savings, pensions, and home value at great risk?
Lynette Zang, chief market strategist at ITM trading aka “Data Gal,” uses the banks’ own charts and published figures to lay out the facts do you can decide what’s really going on, and take necessary measures to protect your family’s wealth and well being!