Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Trump Warns Russia “Missiles Are Coming” At Syria After Moscow Vows To Shoot Them Down by Tyler Durden, A shooting war between the US and Russia appears imminent. Following overnight speculation that the US may launch an airstrike on Syria at any moment, this morning, in his latest fiery tweetstorm, after slamming the failing New York … The Alex Jones Channel Published on Apr 10, 2018 Owen Shroyer presents a video clip of Dr. Ron Paul giving his expert analysis of the players, powers, and reasons behind the deep states’ attempt to provoke World War 3 in Syria. end The Alex Jones Channel Published on Apr 10, 2018 The Globalist cabal often repeats techniques out of the same playbook to force the US into war, but the American people are beginning to catch-on. end
Western Media and Mass Deception: The Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians by Israel by Hamad Dabashi, Al Jazeera, via How western media report on Palestinians: Show a close up of Palestinians’ raised fists and open mouths and angry faces and raised flags – they are threatening, aren’t they?: violent, dangerous, and menacing. Make sure the frame of … The Alex Jones Channel Published on Apr 9, 2018 Owen Shroyer presents a video clip of a Russian General warning of a future global war waged over the poisoning of a spy in the UK and the expansion of the Syrian conflict that would end mankind. end The Alex Jones Channel Published on Apr 9, 2018 Owen Shroyer presents a video clip produced by ABC where Lindsey Graham claims that Trump’s ambition to pull the troops out of Syria is extremely careless when it would prevent more conflict. – Graham and McCain complete operatives of US Deep State: Analyst by Hawkish Republican …
Petro-Yuan is the Newest Weapon for the China-Russia-Iran Anti-USD Alliance by Jeff Brown for The Saker blog, … After 25 years of dreams, planning, rumors and testing, the Chinese petro-yuan is now official. Right now, almost all global oil trade is conducted in US dollars, using two benchmark varieties of crude, West Texas Intermediate and North …
Modern Ashkenazi Khazars (90+% of modern Jewry) are NOT the Jews of the Bible! Ashkenaz is not from the tribe of Shem ie. not semitic! They cannot be the descendents of Jacob/Israel who are from Shem! – Genesis 10:1-3 (New King James Version) Nations Descended from Noah 1 Now this is the genealogy of the …
US Deploying Truman Aircraft Carrier Strike Group to Middle East, Europe – Navy by The US will deploy the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier for a mission to the Middle East and Europe on Wednesday, according to the US Navy. The aircraft carrier will set sail with seven attack ships and will carry 6,500 sailors. It …
USS Donald Cook brings Tomahawk missiles next to Russian base in Syria’s Tartus by –USS Donald Cook (DDG-75), equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles, as well as the Aegis missile defence system, approached the port of Tartus in Syria. The port of Tartus is the location for the logistics base of the Russian Navy. The US …
Rumours going round that Putin has ordered all essential Russian government personnel into nuclear bunkers / war shelters around Moscow. end
‘We Hope You Come to Your Senses’: Russia Warns US Against Illegal Syria Strike by The US’ reaction to the alleged chemical incident in the town of Douma has clearly shown it was the long-sought pretext to attack Syria, which was finally provided by the “White Helmets’ provocateurs,” the Russian UN envoy said. – The …
“Imminent Announcement” Of US Action In Syria Coming Amid Expectations Of Air Strikes “Within Hours” by Tyler Durden, Update: FoxNews just reported that an announcement on US Action in Syria is imminent. … Reports are pouring in of US and French aircraft headed towards Syria for what we assume is a major operation if true. As …
Is Britain about to Join US Military Action Over Reports of Syria Chemical Attack? by The UK is coming under increased pressure to join the US in its expected military action against Assad. Britain has a history of backing American foreign intervention without UN approval, a trend that could be set to continue. – Theresa …
To be fair to Trump: I believe he has many ‘guns’ pointing at his head and his young son and his pretty wife. The western Illuminati is pulling out all the stops to ignite their Satanic WW3. I do not believe that Trump is ordering war on his own freewill. Having said this: what do …
Duma Defense Chief Says Russia May Respond with Military Force to US Strike on Syria by The head of the Duma defense committee and former commander of Russian airborne troops has said Moscow would take all measures, including military ones, in response to a possible US strike on government forces in Syria. – “The double …
US Deploys Truman Carrier Strike Group And 7 Warships With Cruise Missiles To Mediterranean by Tyler Durden, The Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG) is being deployed to the Mediterranean Wednesday, where it will join the USS Donald Cook off Syrian territorial waters. – The aircraft carrier will be accompanied by guided-missile destroyers USS …