Sanhedrin Invites Arabs to Join 3rd Temple Project: ‘Sons of Ishmael’ Told ‘Time Has Come to Rebuild’
- Sanhedrin Invites Arabs to Join 3rd Temple Project
by, 19 March 2018
‘Sons of Ishmael’ told ‘time has come to rebuild’
The newly reconstituted Sanhedrin in Israel, the re-creation of the ancient legal council, is inviting Arabs to prepare for their role in the construction of a Third Temple, as the Bible prophesies.
A letter prepared by rabbis, a copy of which was obtained for Breaking Israel News by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz, explains “the time has come to rebuild the Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem in its ancient place.”
The letter from the “biblically mandated court of 71 elders” was in Hebrew, English and Arabic and invites “the Arabs as the sons of Ishmael to take their role in supporting the Third Temple as prophesied by Isaiah.”
Ishmael, in the Bible, is the first son of Abraham, by his wife’s maid, Hagar. Abraham is the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Isaac was the second son, and Judaism and Christianity trace roots through him. Islam claims its heritage through Ishmael.
“We, the Jews who advocate building of the Temple, are applying to your Honorable ones, who were nominated by their peoples to give oath, raise vows and gifts to the Temple as prophesied by prophet Isaiah concerning your essential role and honorable position in keeping the Temple and supporting it with lamb sacrifices and incense in order to receive God’s Blessings,” the letter continued.
The invitation: “We are certain that you will choose peaceful means and avoid all paths to hostility and violence. And we are sure that together we shall open doors to love and respect.”
The report said the letter was signed by 23 rabbis who have worked together to re-establish the Sanhedrin. “The rabbis are in the process of acquiring signatures of the full quorum of 71, after which they will send the letter to major Arab institutions and leaders,” the report said. “They hope to hold a conference with Arabs.”
Rabbi Yehoshua Hollander, a signatory to the letter, told BIN the letter will be a bridge to other nations. “The Jews are commanded to be a nation of priests,” he said, citing Exodus 19:6: “‘But you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Yisrael.”
Berkowitz explained the move is “intended to bring the entire world one step closer to the global peace that will characterize the Messianic era.” Hollander said: “The Sanhedrin is inviting them to benefit from this since the Temple is good for the whole world. This universal aspect is essential to what the Temple is; a house for all nations.” He said for Jews to serve others, “other people need to cooperate.”
The Third Temple movement in Israel has been around for years, with organizations already preparing the utensils that would be required by Old Testament law for the service it would provide. The movement got a boost late last year when President Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
“What he did … was an enormous step in bringing the Temple,” said Asaf Fried, official spokesman for the United Temple Movement, an association of organizations working towards making the Third Temple a reality. He added, “This necessarily had to come from a non-Jew in order to bring them into the process, so they will be able to take their part in the Temple.”
Fried sees Trump’s role similar to the one played by Cyrus, the Persian king who ended the Babylonian exile and helped build the Second Jewish Temple. “There have been amazing advances towards bringing the Temple this year. It was clear that Trump was part of that process, guided by Hashem (God),” Fried declared.
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