UK Defence Secretary Claims Russia Preparing to Bring Chaos to Britain
- Russia is biggest threat to UK since cold war, says head of British army
by Ewen MacAskill,
Gen Sir Nick Carter gives stark warning of ‘complex and capable security challenge’ for Nato.
The chief of the general staff, Gen Sir Nicholas Carter, has described Russia as the biggest state-based threat to the UK since the cold war and warned that hostilities could begin a lot sooner than the UK expects.
Carter’s speech on Monday evening at the Royal United Services Institute was the most pointed and expansive portrayal yet of Russia as a hostile state intent on undermining the US-led Nato alliance. In one of the most hawkish speeches from a senior UK military chief in recent years, Carter said conflict with Russia could begin in an unpredictable way.
He devoted almost all of his 40-minute speech to the threat he said was posed by Russia. To ram home the point, he included a three-minute Russian video that set out its strength in planes, submarines and other hardware.
He described Russia as presenting “the most complex and capable security challenge we have faced since the cold war”. The deduction the UK and the west should draw from watching Russia’s moves in the last few years, he said, is that there are no longer distinct states of peace and war, but a series of stages in between.
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