Gregory Mannarino: Deficits and Debt Will Explode Higher
- Gregory Mannarino: Deficits and Debt Will Explode Higher
by Greg Hunter’s
Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino is not bullish on the US dollar, and that should worry the man on the street. Mannarino explains, “Inflation is going to be the theme of 2018. How do we know this is going to be the case? Let’s look at what happened to the dollar last year. . . . The dollar got melted down last year, and this trajectory has been going on for decades. It’s just getting progressively worse, and it’s going to continue this year. It’s amazing to me to think that anyone thinks the dollar is going to get stronger from here. President Trump wants a weak dollar. He wants to keep the dollar low in relation to other currencies. . . . The weaker dollar is stock market positive.”
On the ever expanding debt, Mannarino says, “Central banks have to continue supporting the markets by printing more cash out of thin air and inflating bubbles even worse. The debt bubble and deficits are going to get worse, and there’s no way out. So, this is stock market positive. Distortions are getting worse, and valuations are getting more distorted than they already are. . . . The whole system is so twisted and so rigged, every aspect is fake. . . Everything is going to inflate. That includes the market, that includes debt, that includes deficits, and that includes distortions that will inflate and get worse until we hit that moment this all smacks up against a wall.”
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