Deep State Behind the Deep State: CFR, Trilaterals, Bilderberg
- At the top of the hierarchy are the Satanic bloodlines. These are the Old Black (as in Evil) Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy. These people consider themselves as a different race/species from humanity. They trace their ancestry to the offsprings (Nephilim) of the union between fallen angels and women of Genesis 6. They regard themselves as demigod children of the (fallen) serpent gods ie. fallen seraphim/angels. They are Devil worshippers.
– - The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg .. are low rung Illuminati geo-political organizations. At the top is the (Satanic) priestly class which gets direction from fallen spiritual beings and pass on instructions to these organizations. It is the religious class (occult) which rule and not the secular/profane class.