Former CIA Officer Scott Uehlinger: Obama Running a Shadow Government
- Former CIA Officer Scott Uehlinger: Obama Running a Shadow Government
by Greg Hunter’s
Former CIA Station Chief Scott Uehlinger says the 2016 Presidential Election put “America in totally unknown territory.” Uehlinger explains, “I lived in countries like Azerbaijan, Moldova and Kosovo. These were rough and tumble places where this was my bread and butter. There was always a Prime Minister or a head of state that was using intelligence services to embarrass or frame or destroy members of the opposition party. This is something I have seen time and time again. This is something I have had to collect intelligence on time and time and time again, and I think this kind of gives me a unique perspective into what is going on in the United States right now. I have seen this all before, but we also have to remember that this has never been here before. This is something new for Americans and, unfortunately, it’s not really new for me.
Uehlinger says that former President Obama is running his own shadow government. Uehlinger contends, “Shadow government is a mainstream expression even in the countries where I lived. When you are a Prime Minister in power, you always had an opposition Prime Minister or a shadow Prime Minister. The opposition guy lines up his guys, and each of them has an opposite number in the administration. Actually, Obama has set up, and he can call it anything he wants, but, effectively, it is a shadow government, and it’s designed to undercut the legitimacy of the Trump Administration. We are in unknown territory here.”
So, what does Trump have to do to survive and succeed? Uehlinger says, “Trump needs to be more aggressive in bringing in his supporters, people who believe in what his campaign stood for. He needs to bring them more quickly into the government. In the meantime, these offices are empty, and until it’s filled with somebody who is an inherent of President Trump, it’s going to be occupied temporarily by a civil servant who is elevated to that position and . . . most of those people are Democrats. So, the faster President Trump moves in and fills up these buildings, the better off he’s going to be.”
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