Expose The DOJ PedoGate Cover Up: March on D.C. 3/25/2017
Published on Mar 12, 2017
On November 4, 2016 Blackwater founder Erik Price told Bretibart News that the NYPD was ready to make arrests in the Anthony Weiner case and wanted to do a press conference announcing the warrants and the additional arrests they were making , but received “huge pushback” from the Justice Department. According to inside sources, the more than 500,000 emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer implicate the Clintons and associates in child trafficking and worse. WHY more than FOUR MONTHS later have there been NO arrests? It’s time to march on Washington DC, this MARCH 25TH, to raise awareness of this miscarriage of justice. Join us on March 25th at 11am: INVESTIGATE PIZZAGATE, A PEACEFUL Demonstration in DC at The White House/ Lafayette Park