‘Genocide’ In Yemen As Saudi Arabia, U.S. Grab 63% Of Oil Supply
- When did Yemen attack America? Or threatened American interests? Yemen did not attack America nor threatened American interests. So, why is America at war with Yemen? It is about OIL.
– - ‘Genocide’ In Yemen As Saudi Arabia, U.S. Grab 63% Of Oil Supply
by Observers have been puzzled why oil-rich Saudi Arabia, backed by their allies the United States, have set their sights on impoverished Yemen – however all is not as it seems in the region. Saudi Arabian oil is drying up, and scientific research by international drilling companies show that Yemen’s unexploited oil reserves are greater than the combined reserves of all the oil-rich Gulf states.
Yemen, the poor man of the region, has emerged as a prize, and the ruthless Saudis are experiencing no guilt about slaughtering Yemeni civilians to ensure the virgin oil begins flowing through their pipelines.
“63% of Yemen’s crude production is being stolen by Saudi Arabia,” Mohammad Abdolrahman Sharafeddin told FNA on Tuesday, explaining that Saudi-US military action is already paying dividends for the invaders.
“Saudi Arabia has set up an oil base in collaboration with the French Total company in the Southern parts of Kharkhir region near the Saudi border province of Najran and is exploiting oil from the wells in the region,” he added.
But it gets worse for the Yemeni people, caught in a trap due to the fact they have billions of barrels of crude flowing deep under the houses where their children sleep.
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